Go Find God II
Maybe it was that plate of leftover brussel sprouts I had for lunch, or perhaps it was the after-effects of the bottle of rye I’ve been working on since Thanksgiving, but whatever the case, my belly kept me tossing and turning from the moment I hit the pillow; the good news, though, was that this made it fairly easy to rise before 6:00AM to catch the bus across Lake Washington so I could make it to the 8:00 service at Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland where I was undertaking this year’s version of my attempt to fulfill the final project I’d assigned in the Philosophy of Religion class, which once again asked students to “Go Find God.”
And because last year, I explored in nature, I thought that this time around I would go looking inside, among at least some folks who, I’m pretty sure, do find God in the building that housed this morning’s worship.
I was surprised to discover that the pastor was none other than the notorious anti-gay marriage preacher, Ken Hutcherson, but I tried to not let that cloud my vision. In any case, everyone there was kind and friendly, the singing was lovely, and I could really see how the sense of shared community was uplifting and inspirational.
If I believed that the Bible was the literal word of God, I’d have been especially moved, since the sermon drew heavily on the text, and, as a philosopher, I liked how Pastor Hutcherson worked through the arguments, chapter and verse, but I really struggled with the basic idea that people are by nature sinful and need to be redeemed through Jesus Christ.
The pastor talked a lot about being a “weapon” for righteousness, which kind of freaked me out and although, in the end, I still didn’t find God, at least on the ride home, through Seattle’s beautifully foggy streets, my stomach felt better.