Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nothing, Really

When the chronicle of the 21st century is written, weekends like this will be lost to history’s canon, because—at least insofar as my own life is representative of the larger world—nothing really happened.

And yet, these are the times that perhaps most clearly define what the quotidian reality is really like.

So, what were the features of the last 48 hours one might consider memorable or worthy of note?

What have we done, in other words? A little work around the house, some mowing of the lawn, a few meals cooked, bike maintenance here and there.

Jen and I drank some beer and rode the tandem to a nightclub last night while Mimi had a sleepover. We hung around and watched a band that was appreciated much more by nearly everyone there than us—although the group was sweet, I couldn’t help feeling from time to time that I was watching the high school talent show. Later, we went to an art gallery that was also a bar; it made more sense for us to be drinking cocktails and perching on stools than quaffing beer and standing on our tiptoes trying to see the stage, but even then, after twenty minutes or so, you’d pretty much gotten a sense of what it was going to like, so we drank up and rode home.

Today, Mimi and I took the dog for a walk, hung around, and then went to her soccer game. In a marked departure from any of the other local teams, the 12-and-under Mt. Baker Supremes continue to tear up the league, remaining undefeated after 5 games this season. Woo-hoo.

And now, it’s a typical Sunday night: we’ll eat dinner, watch the Simpsons, and argue about homework that needs to be done.

When future historians look back on these days, they’ll see the era’s great events: stock market crashes, watershed elections, nanotechnology emerging. Meanwhile, most of us will simply have carried on our lives, constant, invisible.


Blogger btm said...

My interest in the economy has paralleled my interest in national politics; those with more money and power and going to drive it and not me.

I grew up in a small town (1k or so) and moved to a small city (6.5k or so) before moving to Seattle. I often wonder if it was growing up in the woods, with parents that didn't pay much energy towards national happenings, that's left me disconnected from society as a whole.

It helps perhaps that I have marketable skills, don't have any investments in the market, etcetera. Although on the other hand if the apocalypse comes I'm sure I'll find myself in short time making myself useful in some trade I have experience in.

I believe news altogether is chock full of irony; drama and hysterics sell papers. Yet while we hope those with much invested in the state of the country will sort out the mess they've gotten themselves into, I remember that it was their own self-interest that put us here in the first place.

The presidential elections are chock full of arguments over who is closer to the pulse of the average American. Personally I hope we come out of all of this with some folks that finally don't believe in Trickle Down. But you hit the nail on the head, life goes on, and while we don't know what it will look like, there's too much interest at stake for everything to collapse. Regardless of what happens, I'm sure I'll be getting up and going to work in the morning.

9:35 AM  

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