Friday, June 13, 2008


I just submitted my grades for spring quarter—all except a few stragglers, who, as usual, I’m being far too accommodating to—so now, at last, I have about 94 days in a row (but who’s counting?) until I have to be a gainfully employed community college teacher once again.

As usual, I have all sorts of plans for the season: I’d like to completely overhaul the Saluki and have it repainted; I’d like to make some progress on the book I’ve been planning to write for years about doing philosophy with kids; I’d like to replace the exterior molding on the windows in the back of the house; I’d like to build raised beds for vegetables, and so forth and so on.

How much of this will actually get done remains to be seen and in the long run, it probably doesn’t matter that much if any of it does.

Entropy is a powerful force; I get exhausted just thinking about keeping it all together, much less making the effort to do so.

But what am I doing worrying—or even thinking about this today of all days—“now is the beautiful time, man,” as philosopher, John Latourell, used to say; rather than tying myself in knots over oughts, better that I crack a noon beer and watch the Netherlands soccer game.

I’m clearly not yet in summer mode—that usually takes a couple of weeks to kick in and given the way the weather’s been around here of late, it’s not surprising. On the other hand, it’s probably a bit premature to fully enter in to the land of “who cares” before I’ve taken care of all the school year’s loose ends.

Meanwhile, while I fret about stuff like this, it looks like the entire state of Wisconsin is being washed away; hardly seems right. I’m wondering whether I should take the initiative to have a beer; folks living in Cedar Rapids would be happy to flush their toilets safely.


Blogger Deb's Lunch said...

Actually, Iowa is far worse off than us - and is where your link in the above goes to! Travel is hard in WI right now due to flooded interstates in WI, so we are suffering traffic jams. The part that actually washed away, the resort area / man-made Lake Delton in Wisconsin dells, is already advertising business as usual. But maybe you were thinking of me ... because, of course, flooded areas where your family lives are much more important ...

big sis in Wisconsin

8:34 AM  

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