Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break

I turned in my grades today and so now, I’m officially on spring break. Woo-hoo, Ft. Lauderdale, here I come!

(Actually, I’ll be staying home all week, catching up on laundry and housecleaning and reading some S.J. Perelman, whose delights I haven’t savored in a while, but who, all things considered, is probably, if not my most favorite writer ever, at least the one who I would most like to emulate.)

(Wow, weird; I just noticed that Perelman would have turned 100 this Sunday and is getting a bit of press as a result; I wonder if I had noticed that somewhere or if I just picked it up through the zeitgeist.)

I’ll also be spending way more time thinking about and planning for the Taco Truck Time Trial than I should, especially since I’m all but done with the preparations. All that’s left now is to laminate the spoke cards and lubricate the riders.

Because of the funny way Leap Year played with our quarterly schedule, this is the first time I can remember when my birthday will fall during the vacation. Usually, spring quarter starts just as I’m turning over a new year; if I didn’t have so much prep work to do for the two new classes I’m teaching in spring, I could probably really live it up. As it is, I’ll be happy to have a glass of wine at lunch on the 27th.

The problem, of course, with this little vacation is that it’s too long, by which I mean too short. It generally takes, at a minimum, an entire week off to get into the groove of an extended break. I need at least seven days to start feeling bored enough to begin doing things of my own accord; before that, I’m content just to lie around. So, just as I’m feeling motivated, it’s back to school.

I may as well just relax, then, and have that glass of wine now.


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