Wednesday, March 12, 2008


One of my students called Elliot Spitzer a “dirtbag,” and I think that’s right. Plus, he’s a hypocrite, too, which strikes me as equally bad.

But does the guy have to resign, putting a stunning end, as the Times puts it, to a crusading career?

I guess so.

That’s the way things play out in the good old US of A, where, once again, comparing the misbehaviors of the now former-governor of New York to the still-current President of the United States, it’s worse to put your own penis where you probably shouldn’t than it is to place thousands of your country’s troops where they certainly ought not.

As many people do, I feel worse for Mrs. Spitzer, who has had to play that all-too-common role of the wife of the disgraced politician who is forced by circumstances not of her making to gaze up (relatively) adoringly at the creep while he tearfully apologizes to his constituency while not obviously asking his spouse to forgive him. I hope at least he’s sleeping on the couch this week.

And the media frenzy around the whole thing! You’d think the guy was caught lying to the public to drum up support for an unjustified war against a sovereign nation or something. Oh, right, who cares about that?

Of course, here I am, in my own little bloggy way, doing just the thing I’m complaining about; you don’t see me writing pieces about the ongoing morass in Iraq; nope, I’m putting out my own 327 words about a governor who can’t keep his dick in his pants, not about a president who can’t keep his military at home.

Ultimately, of course, this whole thing is just sad—for Spitzer, his wife and family, for the good people of New York state, and maybe especially for the prostitute herself, who was quoted as saying, “I just don’t want to be thought of as a monster.”

Better that, though, than a dirtbag.


Blogger MattyMattMatt said...

Your points are RIGHT ON!

Dirt bag — perhaps. If he wasn't such a hypocrite, I'd cut him some slack. it is just sex (in his case, expensive sex) after all.

I don't think of Mrs. Spitzer as much of a victim. Divorce his ass. Denounce what he did. Stay away from the podium. Her standing next to him makes me sick. She is all politics.

You wanna talk victims; their 3 daughters.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw no tears in his eyes; I heard no tremble in his voice; I sensed no remorse in his message only regret.

Why would a governor of one of the largest states in the union believe he could maintain anonymity in the nation's capital?

Why would he use a close friend/major donor's name as his alias.

This guy isn't just horny, he's either over-the-edge bent on self destruction or over-the-top in his sense of entitlement and his status as being above the law.

Sic semper hypocrites.

7:50 AM  

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