Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow Day II

I must be really getting old: my first reaction to finding out that school’s been cancelled today due to inclement weather was, “Oh, man, how am I going to cover all the material in class if we miss another day?”

That lasted all of about five seconds, though, as I am now enjoying a fresh mug of hot coffee at Zeitgeist in Pioneer Square as I watch people scurry by on their ways to jobs that haven’t been shut down by our little snowstorm late last night.

It’s surprising, given how clear the streets are downtown that school’s been cancelled; on the other hand, it was relatively treacherous getting out of my own neighborhood. Coming down Yesler from 30th towards Martin Luther King Blvd., I tried unsuccessfully to navigate what was essentially an ice rink over the asphalt; my front wheel slid out from under me and I ended up on my back with the bike on top of me. No real harm, though, as I’m wearing plenty of layers and sliding on icy streets protects a person from road rash.

So now, I’ve essentially got a free day to do more or less whatever I want—but as I said, given the old fogey I’ve become, no doubt a good deal of that will involve prepping for my upcoming classes later this week.

One down side is that most of the materials I need for the UW Philosophy for Children class are out at Cascadia; some improvisation is going to be in order there. On the other hand, I’ve been complaining to myself that I sometimes feel these days like a Greatest Hits Reunion Tour Oldies Show in the classroom, trotting out the same exercises I’ve done over and over for the last few years. So, maybe this will force me to come up with something new and interesting I haven’t tried.

Or maybe I’ll just have another cup of coffee, then switch to bourbon by noon.


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