Sunday, January 27, 2008

Caroline for President

I had a fantasy as a teenager—an idle fantasy, not a creepy one—that I would grow up to marry Caroline Kennedy.

And it wasn’t completely beyond the realm of possibility: my high school grades and college board scores could have earned me admission to an Ivy League school; we might have met at a pep rally or who knows, law school, and if my background checks came out okay, we might have been able to date, and given that my career, had I stayed in the multimedia computer world, could possibly have gone in a direction not dissimilar to the one her actual husband, Edwin Schlossberg’s has, why not? Anything could have happened.

Of course, I have no regrets whatsoever about the way things turned out, but I have long retained something of my youthful admiration for the former President’s daughter; she has always, it’s seemed to me, conducted herself in the public eye with a great deal of class and dignity and given the series of tragedies and losses in her life, a kind of quiet heroism we rarely see in this day of talk-show tell-alls.

So, maybe I’m just a sucker for the girl, but be that as it may, her editorial in today’s NY Times in which she endorses Barak Obama, literally brought tears to my eyes. The sentiment she expresses, and perhaps more importantly, the thoughtful and measured way she does so, got inside of me that way no other appeal this endless election season has so far.

Heck, even Larry seemed moved by the piece.

Here she captures the difference between Hilary and Obama; “Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things.”

And since the writer of that line—who herself has that ability—isn’t running, I’m going with the Senator from Illinois.


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