Sunday, February 11, 2007


Even though we’ve got more than a month to go until winter is officially over, it’s sure felt a lot like spring in Seattle these last few days. Yesterday and today, even during the occasional rain showers, the sky has had a lovely softness; the dark days of December are nothing but a fading bad dream beneath the cottony fleeciness of this afternoon’s fat, bunchy clouds.

I think it’s partly the light; the sun isn’t setting until about 5:30; it rises now around half past seven, so even though we’re not up to an even split between darkness and light, the worst is over. I’m almost able to make it home from school without turning on the bike lamp or blinkies; gone is the time I needed them all the way into work.

Outside the yoga studio a bunch of crocuses are coming up; someone on the .83 ride the other night said he saw azaleas starting to appear in the arboretum.

The weather makes me feel energized, even hyper; this morning, I’ve been roaring around doing all sorts of errands: grocery shopping with the trailer so I could get the big bag of dog food AND a six pack of beer; running to the auto supply store (on my bike, I love that irony) to get fresh wiper blades and a replacement tail light; paying bills and catching up on correspondence.

Spring is my favorite time of year in the Pacific Northwest, which is good because it lasts so long, starting around Valentine’s Day and going until mid-July; from now until high summer, a new batch of flowers or blossoms will be appearing more or less weekly.

Of course, I’m totally jinxing everything by mentioning this; no doubt it will be sleeting sideways before I finish writing today's piece.

As I look out the window, though, I can still see patches of blue in the sky. So, what am I doing sitting here inside?


Blogger Kent Peterson said...

I am so close to taking the studded tires off my bike, but I have this nagging fear that if I do I'll doom us all.

3:18 PM  

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