Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Little Annoyances

Every so often, you have one of those days where it seems like a lot of little things go wrong and you wonder whether you’re just noticing stuff that occurs all the time or if things really are conspiring against you for no particular reason.

It’s probably both, of course, but let’s see.

When the alarm goes off this morning, I reach for it and drop it on the floor, knocking the battery out of it. That sets the digital display back to a blinking 12:00 meaning, since I now can’t tell what time it really is, I have to get right out of bed.

Getting ready for yoga, I wake up the dog; not a particularly huge problem, but now I’ve got to let her out to pee before I can leave, thereby losing precious seconds in my early morning routine.

On the way home from practice, I mis-shift my front derailler; the chain slips off the small chainring and I have to stop to put it back on.

Padding around the house in my stocking feet as I make coffee, I step in spilled water from the dog bowl; wet socks, ugh!

At work, my computer is on the fritz; I can’t access my email and all my shortcuts in Explorer have disappeared. When I call the Help Desk, they helpfully advise me to send an email requesting support.

There’s a headwind all the way home; it takes me fifteen minutes longer than usual and my toes are freezing.

I walk in the door and find out we’ve had a minor plumbing disaster in the basement; the rugs are waterlogged, a bunch of clothes are soaked, and everything’s been pushed in the corner to dry out.

I just went to open a bag of potato chips and dropped them on the floor, pulverizing the bottom third of the bag.

Good thing I woke up in such a good mood today or I’d be really annoyed.


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