Monday, February 11, 2008

Halfway Measures

I half realized today how often I just do things halfway.

For instance, this morning, I only did half of the full primary Ashtanga yoga series. I got to Navasana, and I decided I had had enough, so that’s where I ended, going right into half bow instead of continuing on.

Or yesterday, rather than staying with the group of riders in the Rapha-sponsored West Hills Continental Ride, I bailed—at less than half the distance, actually, if probably about half the time—and headed back to eat and nap.

Today, I ate half a bag of chips and crunched up and threw away the other half because I was half-tempted to eat the whole thing.

I have lots of half-read books; my refrigerator is half full of half-empty jars; I have half a mind to do something about it half the time.

Even this piece, I’m taking on half-heartedly; I’m less than halfway through, but am already half-looking for a way to end halfway at 168.5 word tot


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